Every Good Endeavour: 7 Senses by BMW

In early May, we received an invitation to what I believe is the coolest, most “bougie” event of the year, hosted by BMW Asia. This private dining experience, designed to be intimate and exclusive, took luxury beyond the everyday, creating a truly unforgettable evening for myself & the guests.

The Brief

An Evening of Elegance and Exclusivity

Held for a select group of 22 guests per session, the event welcomed nine couples, along with four hosts, ensuring an atmosphere of intimacy and exclusivity. The sessions, which included both lunch and dinner, spanned from 12-3 pm and 6:30-10:30 pm, allowing attendees to immerse themselves fully in the experience.

More Than Just a Dining Event

Unlike typical events, this wasn’t focused on BMW products. Instead, it was an experiential affair, embodying the epitome of sophistication. The event was a celebration of the Seven Senses by BMW:
the sense of taste,
the sense of touch,
the sense of smell,
the sense of hearing,
the sense of time,
the sense of sight,
and the sense of art,
transforming a simple dining experience into a multi-sensory journey.

The Client

A New Benchmark in Luxury

BMW Asia’s private dining experience set a new benchmark in luxury events. It wasn’t just about the food or the ambiance; it was about creating a holistic experience that engaged all the senses, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended. This event truly redefined what it means to experience luxury, going beyond the everyday to deliver something truly extraordinary.

What We Did

Therapeutic Poetry and Custom Scents

Our Graceful Quills live poetry booth, alongside Scent by Six, came together to craft customised poems and scents to enhance the experience. Poet Grace (that’s me!) performed on the 7th, 8th, and 10th, while Nicole graced the event on the 9th and 11th. Our poetry sessions led into the creation of customized scents, adding a therapeutic dimension to the event. The poems, rich with emotion and depth, set the stage for a unique scent creation experience, allowing guests to leave with a personal, fragrant memory of the evening.

An intimate dining affair in a colonial house

The Location

The event was held at 7 Adam Park, a historic colonial house perched on a hill. As I arrived, it was pouring rain, and through the condensation on the car window, I could make out the silhouettes of the house.

Adam Park was developed between 1925 and 1929 by the Municipality as housing quarters for senior officers in the British administration. In February 1942, Adam Park estate became a site of intense fighting between British forces and the invading Japanese army. 7 Adam Park served as the field headquarters for the 1st Battalion of the Cambridgeshire Regiment. The battalion occupied the building from February 12 to 15, 1942, holding the line and supporting the retreating British forces. The defenders engaged in a fierce battle with the Japanese invaders, and the intersection of Adam Road, Sime Road, and Lornie Road was infamously nicknamed "Hellfire Corner."

The guests weren’t told where they were going!

The beginning of the event was all hush-hush…

The experience begins with guests being picked up by hired chauffeurs, adding an element of surprise and luxury. The destination remains a mystery, as guests are only informed that they are attending a dining event. This unique approach heightens the anticipation and excitement, making the entire experience even more memorable.

The first car with the guests arrived, peeking over from the distance…we are all waiting in anticipation.

“He [my godfather] used to drive a BMW, and I vividly remember him picking me up in it when I was little.”

My first exposure to BMW

Observing the guests mingling and networking brings back fond memories of my godfather. He used to drive a BMW, and I vividly remember him picking me up in it when I was little. It was a car of adventures, happiness and excursions. As a businessman, his mannerisms are strikingly similar to those of the guests I serve today. It warms my heart and makes me feel as though he's here with me. I can easily imagine him enjoying and participating in these events.

I love to read the room and sense a general vibe before any event commences. In the business of words and poetry, understanding and empathy is key.

My attention went to the women accompanying their husbands, as couples begin to stream in pair by pair. I couldn't help but chuckle and as they sometimes remind of my characters from Korean dramas I’ve watched, or long-time friends from social media, or I amuse myself by looking at the fashionable clothes they are wearing. People-watching and silently observing begins long before the guests arrive at my booth; I read each person's "vibe" as they approach.

There was one woman with a short bob haircut that reminded me of a friend, and her eyes sparkled with a maturity and kindness. As a woman, I love observing fellow women—each of them have a unique aura that's hard to describe. They're always so classy, elegant, and delightful to talk to. So glad that I have this gift to see and appreciate the unique beauty of life in others.

“People-watching and silently observing begins long before the guests arrive at my booth…”

Soon after, the lunch began.

The dining experience featured a blind menu, taking guests on a gastronomic journey of seven courses. The menu intriguingly listed only the senses: the sense of taste, the sense of touch, the sense of smell, the sense of hearing, the sense of time, the sense of sight, and the sense of art, in that order.

I wasn’t in the room with them, but the food looks so yummy when I saw the butlers bringing them in.
Is it normal to be hungry again after lunch?

My co-poet Nicole at work! I am so proud of her, it is her first luxury event and she carried it like a pro.

Take out the paper when you’re done…it’s like giving birth to a poem!!

When the guests had gone in for dinner, I was still busy typing..
time to crunch down to work!
18 poems must be ready by the end of their meal.

Watching the raw reactions of the guests when they receive the poem…they are so precious to me. Each of their smiles and expressions feels like a gift given back to me.

Each poem customised is like a gift to the soul…
singing to the unique rhythm of your heart.
For you and you only..!!

I had the pleasure of meeting Renzo Vitale, an Italian pianist, composer, sound designer, acoustic engineer, and artist. Renzo is the Creative Director of Sound Design with BMW. Before his arrival, there was quite a buzz. I also heard that he collaborated with Hans Zimmer to give BMW’s electric cars a blockbuster soundtrack!

Renzo asked me to write a poem for him using the words: empathy, transcendence, and embrace. When I finished it, I brought it to him, and asked, “Shall I read it for you?” This is a practice I like to do, to read aloud my poems for my recipients if I can and if time allows. Renzo stopped me as soon as I began to read the first line, “Wait, wait.” He brought me to a corner near the window, paused, and closed his eyes, and have me read the poem there.

I was so surprised, I have never seen anyone revere the written word so much.

I think this is what the Singapore society lacks, a reverence for the written word. We barely express ourselves through words anymore, let alone journal, read, or write in our free time. Our love languages are usually acts of service or physical touch, we have lost the capacity for words.

Renzo asked about my writing process. I explained to him, how I often “see” images in my mind when given three words, my intuitive approach to connecting those words, and how I love to look at someone in the eyes before determining the right tone for their poem.

The next day, Renzo gave Nicole, my fellow poet, the same three words. Then he made a comment I would never forget. Renzo said our poems were "accessible yet enigmatic”, that the one Nicole wrote was accurate about the him now, and the one I wrote was like “where he’d like to be”. I think he seemed very moved to tears when he read our poems.

I realized that I hadn't had such an in-depth discussion about my writing in a long time. In Singapore, it's rare for people to show genuine interest in your creative process or ask the right questions. Typically, when people see our pop-ups, they inquire about the typewriter—where we got it, if it's still functional, or where we find the ribbons. These questions are rarely about the writing itself. So, this experience was a rare and deeply appreciated chance to share my creative journey.

As an improvisational poet, what I write is hardly perfect. At times, perfection with word choice is difficult to achieve when you’re writing a poem within 5 minutes. Rather, I strive for heart, compassion and intuitive writing. 5-minute poems may not be perceived as worthy poetry, but when I see the positive impact our poems have had on its recipients, it is enough. So imagine how touched I feel when I hear comments like,
“Wah your poetry received a lot of compliments, really. Very good.”
“Yeah, all the guests who read it on the spot said, they felt like it was so accurate.” 🥹
“They just gave you a few words and it was exactly what was on their mind. No wonder you can do this full time!” 😭

Thank you to Rachel from iPossible, and Jac & team from BMW that worked tirelessly to make this event a success. Thank you for entrusting us with the words you want to say 🥹✨🙏 Thank you to my co-poet Nicole @spillofstars for supporting me, and being such a star player. And lastly, thank you to all our lovely guests for the conversations, your generous sharing of a glimpse of your life, and being such a great sport!

Here’s to every good endeavour the Lord has blessed me with, and I’ll cherish and use this gift wisely.

And thank you to YOU, if you’ve read all the way till here, Graceful Quills is so blessed because of the support from each and every one of you.


Is this illusion or reality? I want to live authentically: Laundrin Singapore


A Thousand Words’ Worth: Turning Photographs into Poems