Refund Policy

Refund and Return Policy

We have a 7-day refund and return policy. This means that you may submit a refund and return request within 7 days from the date you receive your item. If you submit this request more than 7 days after you receive the item, only a partial refund will be given.

To qualify for a return, the item must be unused and be in its original packaging and condition.

To return an item, please submit a refund and return request to and attach the receipt/invoice or proof of purchase. Please note that you are responsible for arranging and paying for the shipping of the return item.

We will email you regarding the outcome of your refund and return request after inspection of the item. If the refund is granted, the refund will be made using the original payment method. Please note that the refund does not cover shipping costs and payment gateway fees.

Damaged or incorrect item

If you have received a damaged or incorrect item, please contact for a refund or exchange. Shipping costs will be refunded for damaged or incorrect item returns.

Non-returnable items

Customised items (e.g. special orders for personalised poetry) and gift cards are non-returnable. Please contact us if you have questions regarding your item.

Poems may be rewritten for an additional fee of $8 per poem provided the rewriting request is made within 7 days of receiving the item. Please note that no frames will be provided and the recipient’s name and original writing prompts cannot be changed.

Personal information

We may ask you to provide personal information when you request a return or exchange. This information will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy to process the return or exchange.

Lost Mail

Graceful Quills is not liable for the loss of parcels that occur after delivery.